Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Speaking Circles

Public speaking strikes fear into the heart of many of us because of the risk of humiliating ourselves so publically. If you feel panic when you have to get up on stage, forget everything you have ever learned and listen to Lee Glickstein‘s take on public speaking.

Speaking Circles programs transform the way people communicate by focusing on the essential first step missing in conventional public speaking trainings — the connection between speaker and listeners.” Lee Glickstein, the founder of Speaking Circles has written a couple of books on the subject, holds workshops and speaking circles and has produced a nice introduction via DVD called Relational Presence Intensive DVD. I spent a couple hours with the DVD to get a flavor of how he creates relational presence in a workshop environment. The DVD is basically raw footage from a weekend workshop but the power of Lee’s techniques are apparent. His approach is revolutionary because he creates intimacy between himself and individuals in the audience.

You can watch short videos he has produced on his Youtube Channel or you can attend one of his teleseminars to get a sense of what Speaking Circles is all about. If you want to know more, I would recommend one of his books or the DVD.

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